Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Backlogged... no, backBlogged

Dear readers (are any of you still out there?),

It's been a long time. The longer the time grows in between entries, the harder it becomes to write. Pressure builds. I feel like I have to write more, to fill in everything, to cover all the things I've been thinking about, and so the task becomes so large in my mind, that I balk at attempting it.

I hereby shirk that task.

I'm not going to attempt to catch you up on everything. I'm just going to do my best to stay current with my current thoughts.

One of the reasons I've been a-blognacious (what?) is that I've been pouring my writing energy into something else, namely sketch comedy. Last year I was hit by a realization that it'd always been a dream of mine to work for SNL, so I started focusing my energies thataway, and have been writing sketch ever since. Some are good, some are bad. Will I ever make it to the show? Remains to be seen, but please do cross your fingers for me (as I just recently sent in my first submission).

Also, in the past months there have been a good number of blogs that I've started (some I've finished, but not proofread), and I will likely be releasing those in days to come.

Also also, I will no longer be updating my myspace blog. I hope everyone who reads me over there will come over to http://brentrose.blogspot.com

More soon (very soon).

1.27.09 12.08pm